Contract research laboratory accredited UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 that offers analytical and consultancy services for cosmetic, medical device and pharmaceutical industries and in environmental/safety field.



Salute, sicurezza e ambiente - EN
servizi analitici in materia di salute, sicurezza e ambiente


Mascherine EN
ISO 10993 e ISO 14683
Lab4LIFE S.r.l. in collaboration with a team of experts and specialized laboratories it is now able to provide the analytical services necessary to verify the compliance of the masks for medical use according to ISO 10993 and ISO 14683.
For more information and to request a quote, contact Lorenzo Autore.
#medicalmask #maskperformancebiocompatibility #mask #surgicalmask
Accredia 2
Immagine non disponibile
Lab4LIFE is an UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory. For complete schedule of accreditation please check our download page